Yonghwa's skin peels away to reveal black skin that's steel hard and hot to the touch. His bones crack into an awful shape that carry a bulk slightly bigger and definitely more monstrous than his own size. Brown kind eyes turn into yellowed blood shot feral things, pupils blown and unblinking. An evil grin takes over his face, splitting it clean in half as teeth grow huge and sharp. The only noises he makes are low grunts and pained howls. Every action is geared towards destruction with a power well beyond human. Yonghwa is trapped somewhere inside this visage of anger and pain, aware but overtaken.
First shift: ???
Asleep within him, caught behind layers of bad, layers of fear and anger, is the ability to heal. The peeling away of his skin and tough exterior are just a fascet of a power to mend all that's been broken. Through that darkness Yonghwa can harness a light that takes over the canvas of his skin and slips out into the world. If the light makes direct contact with someone, it can heal all wounds or create a barrier of protection for as long as he can maintain it.